In today’s Finance Minute, let’s talk about the path to Financial Success. In the movie Alice in Wonderland, our heroes followed the yellow brick road to Emerald City. I compare the Emerald City to the Kingdom of Millionaires.
In Thomas Stanley’s book, The Millionaire Next Door, he studied the behaviors that are common amongst the Millionaires. If you want to achieve what these millionaires are achieving, then do what these millionaires are doing. I liken their behaviors to the yellow brick road. If you follow the same path or behaviors, you are bound to get to Emerald City or to riches.
So what are the behaviors that these people exhibit? According to Dr. Stanley, they are disciplined, frugal, allocate resources and persevere. When you look at these behaviors what do you think? What do you feel? If you want to be like them and see, feel, notice and keep practicing yourself exhibiting the same behaviors. Catch yourself doing them right, not when you are not. The more you keep noticing you are being those things, then next thing you know you are the next Millionaire. But if you are not there yet…persevere.
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