In today’s Finance Minute, let’s talk about Goal Setting. If you Google SMART Goals you will get 290,000,000 hits. It is the highly utilized way of setting goals. I am not going to talk about that. What I am going to talk about are what are the 3 extra steps that you can add to make your goals into a reality.
The first step is to imagine the type of person that reaches that goal? Visualize that person. What characteristics or personality or beingness does the person who is achieving this goal possess? For example, this person is disciplined, smart, resourceful, caring, etc. Write down as many qualities that you can. After that, pick the top 3 or 4 that you think are most important. Set that list aside. Next is imagine the feelings you will experience when you achieve your goal. For example Joy, Freedom, Fulfillment, Gratitude, Appreciation, Love, etc. The more feelings, the better.
Finally, list your reasons why you would like to achieve your goal. The more reasons, the more excited you’ll feel. Finally, imagine you are being the person you listed in step one and you are feeling the emotions listed in step two, and you see the reason why you want to achieve your goals. What two actions can you take today that will move you closer towards your goal? Wow, wouldn’t it be great if you kept doing this weekly or even daily? Imagine the possibilities you will be creating? I know for sure that doing these will make a difference. Take these actions and let me know what happens. Talk to you soon!